
“Tales of El Salvador” - A game about the many rich folktales that the country El Salvador has to offer.

For generations, the people of El Salvador have passed down folk tales and legends about many colourful characters and creatures to their children. Tales of El Salvador presents players with an opportunity to experience these stories in the form of a living book that was made in collaboration with several Salvadoran artists, photographers, and musicians.

The game features a short, interactive story crafted in the style of paper theater that tells the legend of Los Cadejos. And an Art Gallery that features original retellings of 27 folk tales and is decorated with iconic elements from Salvadoran culture.

The game was made after conducting in-depth research into the country’s history and culture, and the game's art direction is heavily influenced by traditional art styles from El Salvador.

The Team - Martiller

Martiller is a two-man team that loves to make wholesome and educational games.

Mario Martínez

Project Management, Art Direction & Art

Maximilian Giller


Social page


Previous games by the team members

